Blended Learning

Blended Learning

Let's start with a definition. For more detailed information, visit:

Blended Learning MOdels

Station Rotation

“The Station Rotation model allows students to rotate through stations on a fixed schedule, where at least one of the stations is an online learning station. This model is most common in elementary schools because teachers are already familiar rotating in “centers” or stations.”


Flipped Classroom

“The Flipped Classroom model flips the traditional relationship between class time and homework. Students learn at home via online coursework and lectures, and teachers use class time for teacher-guided practice or projects. This model enables teachers to use class time for more than delivering traditional lectures.”


Individual Rotation

“The Individual Rotation model allows students to rotate through stations, but on individual schedules set by a teacher or software algorithm. Unlike other rotation models, students do not necessarily rotate to every station; they rotate only to the activities scheduled on their playlists.”


Content REsources

These resources come from the Cool Content workshop. Revisions will be made in the future. If you are in need of video creation tools, see below.

Blended Learning Content Resources

Wevideo Guide to blended Learning

Great resource that goes through some of the basics of what blended learning is and how WeVideo can assist in the process.

Hyperdocs provide a great platform for digital lesson layout. Please visit the hyperdocs resource page for examples and tutorials.

Blended learning webinar resources

Top 3 Best Practices for Blended Learning

Best Practices for blended and remote learning for primary students

Teaching Digitally- A FREE Resource Guide for ANY K-12 teacher

Teaching Digitally

A free resource guide to help any K-12 educator

Dynamic vs. Static Learning

Blended Learning with Google Toolkit for Teachers