Video Recording 

There are a ton of options for video recording and screencasting tools. Take your pick based on your needs.

Everything you need to know about building a great screencast video

Maybe you already build screencasts? Maybe you're new. Either way, a great place to start to make great screencasts is in the podcast Everything You Need to Know About Building a Great Screencast

Need ideas?

The 50 ways to use Screencastify eBook is built for that tool, but much of the content could be transferred to any screen recording tool. So if you need ideas for yourself or your students, check it out. 

Google Classroom 

The mobile app provides the capability of recording video straight from your Chromebook to an assignment, question, or material in Google Classroom. This works on a phone as well.


There are three ways you can record in Screencastify. A single tab in your Chrome browser, your entire screen, or your webcam. There are also drawing tools available if you would like to draw on your screen. 


We have licenses available for WeVideo. This is a great option for teachers to record and edit their video lessons. These can be saved to Google Drive and even uploaded directly to Google Classroom. If you want to take a little more time and add audio clips and combine videos, WeVideo is the option for you. 

Teacher License LinkStudent License Link