Back to School Night 2020


Shared teaching is a model that began several years ago at Thomas Jefferson. The purpose of this model is to allow two teachers to share students and focus on specific learning content. Mrs. Kenny focuses on language arts, whereas Mrs. Gutierrez focuses on math and social studies. Ms. Bruskin will teach both subjects to the students in Room 2 in a coteaching setting. A typical day has the children start with their assigned homeroom teacher and their content specialty. Then, students will switch teachers halfway through their daily learning time. Students reap many benefits from this model.

What is co-teaching?

This year the students in room 2 will be following a co-teaching classroom approach. This involves two certified teachers delivering instruction to the class together to benefit all students. We will be co-planning together on a regular basis, as well as co-instructing. Please remember to contact both teachers should you have any questions or concerns.