About Us

Ms. Sun

Ms. Sun is happy to be back in this 5th grade CABAS classroom where her MSD journey started after two years of teaching at Frelinghuysen Middle School. Ms. Sun is Chinese and speaks a little bit of a lot of different languages. Ms. Sun loves MATH, learning new languages, Marvel movies, and informative TV shows/videos. Ms. Sun's greatest enemies are carrots and stairs.

Miss Lutjen

Ms. Lutjen is excited to be a member of this 5th grade CABAS classroom this fall and can't wait to get to know you all! Ms. Lutjen is originally from New York, but has called New Jersey her home for 3 years now. Ms. Lutjen loves ELA, sweets- especially cookies, reading fantasy books, drawing, and her two adorable cats. Ms. Lutjen does not like cleaning or country music.

Miss Smith

Ms. Smith is so excited to meet everyone for her first year in 5th grade! Ms. Smith comes from teaching preschool in a CABAS classroom in Yonkers. Ms. Smith played ice hockey in college and loves to watch hockey, baseball and football. In her free time, she also enjoys photography and cooking/baking. Ms. Smith is scared of swimming in the ocean and enjoys her life on dry land.

Mets Horror

I love baseball, especially the Phillies. My favorite food is hamburgers with NO CHEESE. I don’t play any video games, and I love to read.


Clara likes the color Red and Black. She likes to be calledClaire” for short. She likes to read certain books, listen to music, and play video games. She enjoys eating buttered noodles, (penne). She does not believe in ghosts, and dislikes astronomy. Clara has a fear of planets and the galaxy. She spends most of her times with her friends and family. She likes the number “8 and 2”. She likes exploring the world and standing up for others. She likes the quote: “Like animals, alone we are weak. Together we are strong.”


My favorite color is blue. My favorite animal is monkey and when i grow up i want to be a vet. I love harry potter books and movies. I saw the cursed child play and it was amazing. My favorite sport is soccer.


I like to play video games, play soccer, and watch tiktok. My favorite animal is a kangaroo. I like to eat chicken alfredos. I also do not like carrots and green beans.


I am 10 years Old and i like to play soccer, play video games, and the play at the park, And i like to travel to different countries.

Amy the Princess

I'm nice and kind oh and my favorite animal is a baby dear and my favorite food is cheese pizza and my favorite dessert and i like to travel to New York and that all about my monster


My favorite subject is math, my favorite color is gray because it is gray. My favorite food is truffle fries. I am Italian and Irish. My favorite things about school are learning things and talking to my friends.

John Titan

He is a big boy just like look at his handsome biceps isn’t he the champion of buff boys he sure does have one eye but his arm is so big and strong he can be a star.


i like pink ,and red, and white and I like to jump rope and my best thing I like in school is math.I like to play with friends, and i love cupcakes, and pizza. I love dogs, but i don't have one but i will get one pretty soon.I love to travel, too.