Digital Tools for Anywhere Learning

You can find a variety of digital tools on this page that you can use for learning

Click on each button to explore resources or tutorials for each digital tool.

Your teachers may use a video creation tool called Flipgrid to deliver content, communicate, or assess learning. Click on the button to learn more about how to use this amazing digital tool.

BreakoutEDU is like an escape room for learning. You can find hundreds of digital games on the platform across all grade levels and content areas. A wonderful way to foster critical thinking, creativity, and curiosity. Click on button to access the BreakoutEDU library of digital games.

Book Creator is a simple tool for creating incredible digital books. Click on button to watch a tutorial video for parents and teachers. To access the Book Creator website click HERE.

Buncee empowers students to easily create, and share learning visually across content, grade, age and learning levels. Click button to access Buncee parent guide. To go directly to Buncee website click HERE.