Extended Spring Break Learning Resources

We are very grateful for your patience and support as we have all been navigating COVID-19 and its effects on our community. At this time, Governor Brown has ordered that all Oregon K-12 schools close until April 28.

Below you will find a collection of links to learning resources and activities to support learning during this extended closure. Some of these will require families to set up a free account to get started.

Activities listed here are not intended to replace classroom instruction or district-adopted curriculum. At this time, there is no expectation that teachers or parents provide extended resources, communication, or assess students during the closure. Students are not required to participate in remote learning but encouraged to access the resources provided

We encourage parents to help students of all ages take some time EVERY day for learning activities. Keep reading! Take a virtual tour of a museum. Practice your math, typing, and spelling skills, and so much more.

Use the buttons below to view resources for your student's grade level