Success Academy: 

Alternative Learning for Initial Credit and Credit Recovery

Paolo Dulcamara

MSD19 Success Academy has two programs of Initial Credit housed at 110 N County Rd (across the street from MHS) and our Credit Recovery in room 281 at MHS. For more information: Success Academy Handbook.

What is Alternative Education? 

Alternative Education, offered through the MSD19 Success Academy, exists to meet the needs of students that cannot be adequately addressed in a traditional classroom setting or are needing to recover credits toward graduation. Through assigning students to alternative classrooms and/or online learning platforms that are designed to remediate academic performance, improve behavior, and/or provide an enhanced learning experience, they can achieve success. 

For those parents/guardians with students needing an Alternative Education placement for Initial Credit, please note that ultimately, placement and continued participation in this program is an Administrative decision. Determination is based upon several factors:

Please reach out by email or phone to Mr. Dulcamara: dulcamarap@msd19.or or 618-566-8512 Ext. 5179 with any questions.