Class INformation

Currently teaching AP Physics 1, AP Physics 2 and Chemistry.

Previously taught Honors Biology, Biology, Physical Science, Civics, US History, Life Science.


Scholar Bowl [Winter IHSA Activity]

Science Club (including Science Olympiad) [Year round, members can join throughout the year]

Academic Challenge Team [Winter]

Soccer [ Fall - Guys' Assistant Coach; Spring - Ladies' Announcer)

Students interested in joining one or more of the above activities, email me for information.

For 2020/2021 remote learning

All my classes are on the A schedule for Zoom meetings.

For remote learning, remember that these 20 min zooms are not the entirety of the instruction activities. Each week, students will be given 2+ activities to work on (watch, complete, communicate about, etc.) on time other than the zooms. Expect these activities to avg about 40 min a school day over the course of a week - so an activity that takes most 1 hour to complete,, students will be given it multiple days before its due.

Students can work on them a short time each day or wait until the night before the due date and do it all at once. Google classroom is the main way to find and submit assignments. Watch the due date (and time) on classroom if you want to earn full credit. Note - the complete grade/scores are posted on skyward.