Let's Get Started!

Here are some actions that you can start taking today

to prepare before joining the Military!

  • Research the branch you are interested in. Don't be afraid of speaking with other branches. The more you know about all branches, the better informed you will be and will be able to make the right decision for yourself.

  • Take advantage of College Credit Now courses. Not only do these look great on your resume, but it will also help you in the military. You may be able to enter at a higher rank.

  • Start asking people to be your reference. References should not be family members and should be someone that can talk about your strengths and work ethic. Be sure to let them know what jobs you are applying to. You can use this template to have a list of references ready to share at an interview; you should have 3 listed.

  • Take the ASVAB exam. All military branches require this exam. It is recommended that you take it at McMinnville High School (offered mid-February) since it is a "freebie". The score is good for 2 years.

  • Study for the ASVAB. The better you do on the ASVAB the more career opportunities you will have available within the military.

  • Workout regularly. You must meet specific physical requirements.

  • Attend school regularly and focus on your grades. This will help you perform better on the ASVAB.

  • Stay out of trouble. Military branches do background checks!

  • Be careful of what you put on your body. Piercings and tattoos can disqualify you from enlisting.

Check out these other online resources:

ASVAB - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery is a career exploration exam required to enlist in the military; however, you do not need to be interested in the military to take the exam.

ASVAB practice exams:

Military Branches:

Military.com - Information about benefits, jobs, military life and more.

US Department of Defense - Information on each military branch.

Oregon Career Information System & Virtual Job Shadow - These are a great resource for career and school research. Don't know what career you want to pursue? Take one of their interest assessments.