2022 Digital Creations

Our Campers

What a wonderful week with some wonderful students! Students researched an animal and used technology to bring their research to life and share with others. Please read below to see what campers experienced and for some examples of their works. You can also view their completed websites by clicking on their photo or name below or by clicking on their name through the website menu.


Students started the week by researching an animal of their choice. They completed a graphic organizer where they were tasked to find their animal's habitat, diet, appearance, and at least four fun facts.

Students utilized EPIC, Animal Kingdom from Britannica School Elementary, and PebbleGo to complete their research. Students have access to EPIC through their teachers and the last two through SC Discus, South Carolina's virtual library (contact your school's librarian for login information for at-home access to SC Discus resources for South Carolina residents). You can check out each resource by clicking their logos below.


Using Canva, an online graphic design tool, students created informative posters. They created an "all about me" poster on the first day and, after learning about their animals, created informational posters about them later in the camp. Some students loved the program and chose to spend "free create" time creating posters of their choice.

Digitizing Dioramas

Students used crafting materials to create an exhibition of their animal's habitat. Using Makey Makey and Scratch, students recorded a few facts then coded their dioramas to share the facts as narrations when buttons were pressed on their diorama. Mr. Dabney printed a 3D model of each student's animal to place in their diorama.

Virtual Worlds

Students created a digital version of their animal's habitat using CoSpaces. They also took a 360-degree image of their habitat and added photos to it. Check out an example of each below.


After drawing a picture of their animal, students recorded a short video from the perspective of their animal using the app ChatterPix Kids, sharing a few facts or introducing their project to others.
