April 23 - 6:30-8:00

Discover the fun of STEAM through hands-on activities for the whole family!

Please let us know if you plan to attend or not by completing this short form.

Activities include:

Earthquake Simulation

When buildings and other structures are stressed by natural disasters like earthquakes, they can weaken. But what if there were ways to prevent that weakening, resulting in safer buildings that remain strong? In this adventure, we'll be simulating an earthquake to test different shapes used in buildings. Our goal is for our structures to stay upright, without any significant change in structural integrity (measured by how much the height changes).

Augmented Reality

Coloring pages have never been so much fun! The Quiver App combines physical coloring with state of the art augmented reality technology to bring you and your children an extraordinary experience.

Participants will choose a page to color and then use the Quiver app to bring it to life. You may wish to download the app prior to attending STEAM Night.

Data Collection

Can you guess the ratio? By repeatedly removing colored balls one at a time from a bag, you will take note of your observations via a Google Form. By the end of the night, after several tests, we should be able to deduce the ratio!

Construction Station

Even our youngest students can be great designers and engineers! Students can choose to complete design task cards or just build whatever they imagine at our Duplo and Lego building stations.

Collaborative Writing

Using StoryJumper, participants will work together to complete a fictitious story. Reading only the page before, you will be tasked with adding a scene and a paragraph or two to keep the story going.

3D World Building

CoSpaces is a website that allows you to build your own virtual reality! Build your own objects from geometric shapes, tell stories, or create a fantasy world.

Innovative CIRCUITRY

Have you ever played a banana piano? Did you know that bananas make great conductors? Using Makey Makey, participants will be able to discover which type of objects make great insulators and those that make great insulators.

Music Creation

The Chrome Music Lab is a website that makes learning music more accessible through fun, hands-on experiments. You can explore song creation, rhythm, spectograms, oscillators, and more!

QR Code Scavenger Hunt

Test your skills by participating in a school-wide Scavenger Hunt!

PHoto Booth

Snap a few pics in front of our green screen to capture the fun!

We hope to see you there!

Please let us know if you plan to attend or not by completing this short form.