
Lebanon PTO

Lebanon PTO Bylaws

Created September 16, 2013

Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the Lebanon Parent Teacher Organization.

Article II: Objective

The objective of the PTO shall be to create a closer relationship between home and school, to provide the best possible learning environment and to provide and maintain an open network of communications between school and community.

Article III: Policies

  1. This organization shall be non-profit, non-commercial, non-sectarian and non-partisan.
  2. This organization shall not endorse a commercial enterprise or candidate.
  3. The organization may cooperate with other organizations and agencies active in child education and welfare, provided its representatives make no commitments that bind the group it represents.
  4. The organization shall not seek to direct the administrative activities of the school or to direct its policies.
  5. The organization shall direct any grievances pertaining to the faculty, staff or educational programs through the proper channels of communications established by the Board of Education.
  6. No profits shall proceed to any officer or members of the organization.
  7. The organization shall be supportive of the educational program and shall be developed through volunteer services, supplemental educational programs and fundraising projects.
  8. The organization will not discriminate against any person regardless of age, sex, handicapped condition, color, marital status, race, religion, sexual orientation or national origin.

Article IV: Membership

  1. Membership in the organization is open to all faculty, parents and legal guardians of students attending Lebanon schools who agree to abide by the rules and regulations described in the by-laws of this organization.
  2. You may vote at a PTO meeting as long as you are a member in good standing.
    1. A member in good standing is defined as someone who attends a meeting or volunteers at a PTO sponsored event a minimum of once every three months.
  3. All members shall be entitled to:
    1. Nominate persons for the Executive Board by submitting names of candidates.
    2. Submit policy and action proposals to the Executive Board for resolution.
    3. Vote for members of the Executive Board.
    4. Hold a position as a member of the Executive Board.
    5. Vote on resolutions and other business as is conducted at the annual or special meetings.

Article V: Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of this organization shall be July 1 – June 30.

Article VI: Meetings

  1. There shall be meetings once a month during the school year. During months where there is no school, it will be up to the Executive Board currently serving to call meetings.
  2. The annual meeting shall be held in May of each year, at which time election of officers shall take place and annual reports given.
  3. Special meetings of the membership may be called for any purpose at any time by the Board or the action of any ten or more voting members.
  4. The Executive Board shall consist of:
    1. President
    2. Vice President
    3. Secretary
    4. Treasurer
    5. Principal to serve as an advisor to the board
  5. It shall be the duty of any outgoing officers to submit written reports to the new officers to insure effective transition of responsibilities.

Article VII: Election of Officers, Terms of Office

  1. Nominations
    1. Nominations will be solicited from the general membership at or before the April monthly meeting. After ascertaining that the nominees wish to run for one of the elected offices, they will be placed on a ballot.
  2. Vacancy
    1. A vacancy occurring in an office shall be filled by a candidate selected by the Executive Board. The term will run until the end of that school year when a new officer can be elected through the normal voting process.
  3. Election
    1. At the annual meeting, election of officer candidates who run will be voted on by secret ballot.
    2. Each voting member of the organization shall be able to cast one vote for each of the 4 elected officer positions.
  4. Terms of Office
    1. The officers of the organization shall be elected annually if an open positions exists or if a term is ending.
    2. The term of an officer is for two years. The person may run again and be elected for consecutive terms.

Article VIII: Discipline

  1. Charges of professional dishonesty, working against the principles and purposes of the organization and/or injuring the professional standing of another member, may be filed in a written statement, signed by five members in good standing and submitted to the Executive Board.
  2. The accused member shall be notified in writing of all allegations and shall have the privilege of being present at a special or regular meeting of the Executive Board, at which time the charges will be considered.
  3. A member may be suspended from the organization by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board, subsequent to the execution of the procedures set forth in Sections One and Two of this article.
  4. If any member of the Board misses more than three consecutive meetings, it shall be the duty of the President and Vice President to contact that Board member and ascertain interest in the remaining on the Board.

Article IX: Rules of Order

The meetings of the organization shall be run according to an agenda set forth at the beginning of each meeting by the President or Vice President.

Article X: Duties of Officers

  1. President: The President will preside at all meetings of the organization. They shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board. shall assist in appointing the chairpersons of all standing committees. As President of the organization, they shall be responsible to perform the necessary duties that are needed for the benefit of the PTO. If for any reason the Treasurer is unable to pay bills having been approved for payment under the Executive Board, the President shall have the authority to do so. They shall receive written reports and make reports available to new officers and committee chairmen. They shall keep in constant communication with one another in relation to their appointed committees.They shall serve as ex-officio members of all committees.
  2. Vice President: The Vice President will preside at all meetings and will take the place for the President in the event the president is absent from a meeting. As Vice President of the organization, they shall be responsible to perform the necessary duties that are needed for the benefit of the PTO.The Vice President shall appoint committee members of all committees they deem necessary. They shall serve as ex-officio members of all committees.
  3. Secretary: The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings. If recording, the Secretary must note that he/she is doing so at the beginning of each meeting being recorded. He/She shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him/her.
  4. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the PTO, shall keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures through the use of the required check request/reimbursement form drafted by the Treasurer and approved by the Executive Board and shall pay out funds only as authorized by the council and/or Executive Board. Expenses incurred may only be paid out by the Treasurer if the reimbursement form/receipt is presented to the Treasurer of Executive Board within 30 days of the event in which the expense was incurred or within 30 days of the date of the receipt, otherwise payment will need to be approved by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall present a statement of account at every meeting and shall make a semi-annual report and a full report in May. The Treasurer shall be responsible for assisting the elected successor with the preparation of the following year’s budget.

Article XI: Fundraising

  1. A fundraising committee shall be formed at the beginning of each fiscal year. It will consist of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 members in good standing, appointed by the Executive Board from a pool of interested members.
  2. Any fundraising event sponsored by the PTO needs to be submitted and approved by the Principal of the Lebanon Schools. The Fundraising Committee shall submit a Fundraising Form to the Principal.
  3. The Chairperson of the Fundraising Committee, appointed by the Executive Board, shall be the spokesperson of the committee. This person will need to communicate with the Board.
  4. The Fundraising Committee shall gather information from all available sources and using input from the membership, make a decision as to which source to bring to the Principal via a Fundraising Form.
  5. The Principal makes the final decisions and gives the Board approval to sign any contracts.
  6. Fundraisers require 2 signatures from the Board before forwarding to chosen fundraiser source.

Article XII: Amendments

These by-laws may be amended by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of all members present and voting, at any regular meeting of the organization, annual meeting or special meeting convened for the purpose of amending these by-laws. Notice of the proposed amendments shall be available to all members at least thirty days prior to a vote.

Policies pertaining to the organization will be created and added to the by-laws as they occur.

  1. If a vote results in a tie the Board will be called upon to break the tie.

Article XIII: Requests

Any staff member or group within the Lebanon Elementary Schools may request money from the PTO. Each group requesting monies will be required to fill out the proper request form and have their form signed by the Principal. Requests may only be submitted by the person requesting the funds. If a grade level is requesting monies than a lead teacher for that grade level must be present to submit the request. No request will be heard unless there is a proper representative for the request. Each request will be heard by the Executive board and Lebanon PTO members and voted on accordingly, once all questions have been answered in regards to the request.

Article XIV: Dissolution

In the event of dissolution of the organization, the net assets after payment of debts will proceed directly to the Lebanon Schools.