Madison Area Memorial High School

486 Main St. Madison, ME 04950

Tel: (207) 696-3395 Fax (207) 696-5644

Virtual Tutoring

Request a Tutoring Appointment

In-person before school - Email Mr. Bishop

After school Virtual Appointment

Virtual Appointment

*You must fill out a separate form for each requested Virtual Appointment.*

*Appointments fill up quickly, so please schedule in advance, if possible.*

If you wish to cancel, PLEASE send an email to Mr. Bishop or Mr. Greenlaw so that we can fill your spot with another student in need of assistance.*


Available from

3:00 - 4:30 p.m.

In-Person Appointment

*Contact Mr. Bishop


Available from

7:00 - 8:00 a.m.

Due to availability, you need to attend at your selected time. If you skip you may not be able to make it up.