Using iPads at Home

The following information is helpful and important for you to know as you support your child as they are learning from home with their iPad.

It is important to keep your child's iPad charged. Please find a safe place for your child to store and charge their iPad when they are not using it.

Connecting the iPad to the internet.

Swipe to the third page.

Click on the Apple folder, then on settings.

Select Wifi from the left hand side of the screen.

Select your wifi and enter you password if applicable.

You should now see the wifi bars in the top right corner of your iPad.

Digital Citizenship

An important aspect of digital learning is digital citizenship. Digital citizenship skills help students successfully participate and make smart choices while using digital devices. We have digital citizenship expectations for the students that apply to digital learning and iPad use for both in-school and home-based learning. Click on the apples to see the grade-level expectations.

The student iPads are managed by MSAD 51. Please do not use the Apple app store to try to purchase different apps or put in your personal Apple id and password.

The district controls the iPads and is able to "push" updates and any needed changes out to the iPads. It is important that the student iPad remain charged, powered on (it is ok if it is asleep) and connected to the internet for updates and any necessary modifications to be received.

Please help to keep your child's iPad safe!

Avoid eating or drinking while using the iPad.

iPads should be used when your child is seated or stationary. Please do not let your child run or jump with the iPad.

Do Not Log Out

Please do not purposefully log out of any of the apps on the iPad. Your child was logged into many apps before they received their iPad. If you do accidentally log out, please refer to your child's Login Info that your child's teachers shared with you (this was probably shared electronically) and log back into the app.