Guy E Rowe - Holly Hill.mp4

Mrs. Hill's Class learns to draw maps of home.

GER.1.Hill.Hoke - Holly Hill.mp4

Alaric Hoke (Mrs. Hill) teaches us about washing our hands!

The Brown Family (Mrs. Pierce's class)

GER.2.Pierce.Hodgkin - Claudette Pierce.MP4

Hodgkin Family (Mrs. Pierce)

Baking during Quarantine

GER.4.Strout.Bandy - Crystal Strout.pdf

Amazing gardening!

GER.4.Strout.Newcomb - Crystal Strout.pdf

Fishing with the Newcomb family

Maddie Poland interviewed Dennis Yates!


Maddie Poland (and Dad) complete a Tiktok dance challenge

The Deans made a new game box!

Shawn Jones reflects on Coronavirus and distance learning

Addison expresses her thoughts - Holly Hill.mp4

News Update from Mrs. Hill's first grade

Bella wishes her teacher well

Violet Wing compares life before and during Covid-19

Luna Rojos shows us Coronavirus

GER.3.Hopkins.EliseKnapp - Kelli Knapp.mp4

Elise Knapp does an interview

A trip to NY

GER.2.PierceKnappManjourides.Classes - Claudette Pierce.mp4

The second grade classes will bring a smile to your face :-)

GER.3.Porter.Lumb - Kristen Porter.pdf

Lillith does a questionnaire with her Mom


Steven McCann's Project

Steven and Veterans

As Steven says "Even with corona going on, Veterans are still important"

GER.3.Porter.Weymouth - Kristen Porter.pdf

What Rylan has been up to!

GER.3.Porter.McAllister - Kristen Porter.pdf

Emily McAllister has had some adventurous times

GER.4.Strout.Marr - Crystal Strout.pdf

How did Anderson Marr do remote learning?

GER.3.Porter.Sessions - Kristen Porter.pdf

This is how Victoria Session kept busy!

Kennedy and her garden

Ryan St. Peter thanks the bus drivers. (That sure does look like Ruby behind the wheel!)

Ryan St. Peter brings us an important reminder in these times

Holden (and mom) make a faerie garden