Remote Learning

New York City public schools are launching remote learning for all students on Monday, March 23, 2020! Remote learning allows teachers to deliver their lessons online, and students can complete assignments, projects, and assessments just like they would in the classroom.

Remote learning both creates an opportunity for students and teachers to interact online and allows students to continue learning subjects and material that are a key part of their curriculum.

Frequently Asked Questions

Accessing Remote Learning and Supporting My Student

Academic Policy and Planning

Special Education

Multilingual/English Language Learners

Assessments and Accountability

Remote Learning Readiness Checklist

Please click the Link below for answers to the questions above.

Consider these tips to best prepare you and your child for remote learning:

  • Get familiar with each of the digital tools your child will use while learning from home.

  • Review your school’s expectations for completing assignments and appropriate behavior on internet-enabled devices.

  • Set up a space for your child to use that considers their unique learning styles.

  • Create a routine and daily schedule that will support your child’s success while learning from home.

  • Make a list of activities that you and your child can use in addition to their classwork.

  • If you don’t have access to an internet-enabled device, fill out this survey(Open external link) to be connected to one!