Da-Yeh Bilingual Highlight School


雙語課程  教學活動

雙語課程  學生作品

Arlene's Time 05    A quiz contest  有獎徵答  

Q1.What kind of books does Howard usually read ?


A:                                        (英語回答)

Q2.What does Howard want to be when he grow up?


(A)engineer 工程師 (B)judge 法官 (C)teacher 老師  


Q3.What do you want to be when you grow up?


A: When I grow up , I want to be a                  . (英語回答)

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Arlene's Time 0  A quiz contest  有獎徵答  

Q1. What grade(年級) does Teacher Arlene teach ?(A: 4th grade)


Q2. Which national flag(國旗) is Teacher Arlene 's country(國家)?(A: Philippines) 


Q3. Who do you wish the most(最希望) Invited(邀請) to Arlene's show?(A: There are many teachers recommended, especially the principal.)