報名、徵稿網址/Registration: https://goo.gl/forms/F0dpUh8Pt1SM12c52

  • 重要日期 Important Date
        • 05/20 前繳交 250 至 500字摘要 Abstract Submission Date
        • 05/31 前公告發表人名單 Inform Presenters
        • 06/04 發表人回覆出席 Respond to Attend
        • 06/08 研討會發表日期 Presentation Date
        • 06/30 全文繳交期限日 Full Article Submission Date to Dr. Chignwen Yeh at: chingwenyeh@gmail.com
        • 全文繳交:研究論文於2018年06月08日發表後,請按照討論意見修正後,2018年06月30日提交論文全文,並 寄至葉景雯老師信箱:chingwenyeh@gamil.com ,通過審查者將收錄於《舞蹈教育》第16期期刊 Dance Education ISSN 2219097 -X

本研討會執行單位國立臺灣體育運動大學舞蹈學系為中部地區唯一培育舞蹈專業人才之大專學府,2004年起成立碩士班,培養深具人文素養的舞蹈專業菁英。第一屆『舞論古今』研討會自2015年起由本系葉景雯博士創辦至今,已成為台灣舞蹈學術界年度盛事之一。過去數年來透過舞論古今學術研討會發表,已出版過多篇來自國內外專家學者及研究生的文章於本系舞蹈教育期刊(ISSN 221 909 7-X)。今年研討會除了提供國內外舞蹈學者、舞者與研究生發表與交流的平台之外,也開設舞蹈創作工作坊鼓勵舞蹈入投入身體實踐與理論撰寫對話。


  • 質化、量化等舞蹈相關之研究
  • 舞蹈教學實踐相關之方法論
  • 舞蹈美學經驗與作品詮釋
  • 推廣參與多元運用的休閒舞蹈或娛樂性舞蹈論述
  • 文化、行動、多元族群、肢體開發、等舞蹈相關研究

This symposium is organized by the Department of Dance at the National Taiwan University of Physical Education and Sports, the only national academic institution in Central Taiwan. Their master's program was established in 2004 that nurtures dance professionals. The first “Dance now and Then International Conference” was founded by Dr. Chingwen Yeh in 2015 and it has become one of the most significant dance academic events in Taiwan. Over the past few years through the conference, there were many articles published on the Department of Dance Education Journal (ISSN 221 909 7-X). Those research papers were presented by domestic and foreign experts and scholars with rich humanities. This year's symposium not only provides a platform for academic research but also sets up a dance creation workshop to encourage dialogue between dance theory and practice. This year's conference focused on how the theory is presented through the practice of the body and the development of the text. The scope includes (but is not limited to) the following topics:

  • Qualitative, quantitative and other dance-related research
  • Dance teaching methodology and Education
  • Dance aesthetics experience and interpretation of works
  • Participation in multiple applications of leisure dance or entertainment dance exposition
  • Culture, action, multi-ethnic groups, physical development, dance and other related research
  • 研討會報名自即日起到06月07日(星期四)截止。投稿發表者亦須完成報名程序始得發表
  • 本研討會酌收報名費NT$200元整,於研討會當天現場繳交後始得參加
  • 研討會投稿者稿費一篇NT$500元整,兩篇NT$1000,以此類推,並於研討會當天統一繳交
  • Registration date from now until June 7. Submission authors must also complete the registration process to be published.
  • NT $ 200 (USD $10) for the entire registration fee.
  • NT $ 500 (USD $20) for one Abstract Submission fee, NT $1000 (USD $30) for two submissions

舉辦地點:國立臺灣體育運動大學行政大樓地下視聽室, 臺中市北區雙十路一段16號

Conference Location: Dance Department,National Taiwan University of Sport (16, Section one, Shuan Shi Road, Taichung Taiwan)