Teacher Resources on Diversity

The site is designed for three learning levels: Early Childhood, Adolescents, and Adults and offers options to READ, WATCH, and LISTEN to content. This will be updated quarterly to reflect the voices and resources of marginalized and oppressed groups in America. This first round examines Race and Racism in America.

From professional development workshops to lessons, film kits and posters, this site has a wealth of evolving resources.

Difference -- however we might define it -- is good. It makes us who we are and makes the world wonderful. Students must understand that, and strive for a more inclusive world that values difference, practices empathy, and extinguishes oppressive forces like racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, and beyond. These picks -- which highlight our world's vast diversity and promote equity -- will open students' minds, get them to reflect on their own privileges, and help them better understand other people, perspectives, and cultures. Some of these picks will also cultivate students' perspective-taking and integrity, putting students on the path to social change and activism.

Online resources for students, families and teachers including how to talk about race.

We help students learn about hatred and bigotry so they can stop them from happening in the future.

Teaching for Change encourages teachers and students to question and re-think the world inside and outside their classrooms, build a more equitable, multicultural society, and become active global citizens. Our professional development, lessons, reading suggestions, publications, and parent organizing programs serve teachers, other school staff, and parents.

This organization has free educator guides, lesson plans, webinars, and articles for teachers to promote an LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum.

Rethinking Schools publishes a quarterly journal by the same title with articles for educators around current research.

This website, subtitled “Voices from the next generation,” offers a number of resources including books they publish, short videos, and stories about what youth have done and are doing to address various educational and socio-political issues.

Lessons on diversity and multiculturalism separated by grade level.

This site, which includes free webinars and resources for teachers, is targeted towards empowering leaders working within local communities.

Separated by levels and topics to teach respect and multiculturalism. Sponsored by TeacherVision

Classroom tools out of UC Berkley for teachers to make their classrooms as inclusive as possible.

A range of resources to create an inclusive and diverse classroom and curriculum.