
Add Headings and they will appear in your table of contents.


In order to ensure an efficient learning environment, please read and strictly follow the sections below.


School Requirements:


Please divide students into groups before class.


Please provide English name tags for students.

3.請固定FET Teachers on the go地點(專科教室或視聽教室等),勿讓FET跑班授課。勿使用活動中心上課。

Please prepare one venue (classroom or media room) for the lesson in the school.  (Please do not use the lecture hall for the  TOG lesson.)

4.請學校於活動前務必事先測試教室內各項軟硬體設備,如電腦、投影設備、音響、簡報筆、2010以後版本的Power Point等。

The equipment (computer, projector, speaker, pointer, and 2010 or newer version of Powerpoint) in the classroom must work properly and be tested before the FET arrives.

 (Note: Microsoft makes the most recent versions available for free for schools.)


  The class starts on time: not earlier, and not later than the specified time.


Please only take photos at appropriate times without interrupting the class. FET will arrange the appropriate time to take pictures.


Please no video recording or posting photos to personal/ non-school social media sites.

8. FET會說明是否需要準備大約 60 本不同程度的英語書,外師將會在「五分鐘閱讀活動」中使用(僅限英文書)

Please prepare story books for the students to read during the ”5 mins reading” portion of your class. A selection of approximately 60 books of various levels from your school classroom or library is required. (English only) This can be optional only if informed beforehand by the FET.



 Co-teacher Requirements:

 1. 我們鼓勵協同老師及學生們在課程中使用英語參與活動,但給予學生們時間回答問題(有時學生需要時間想一下,請耐心等候)

We encourage the co-teacher and all the students to take part in the activities and speak in English. Please allow the students extra time when responding to your question, as they may need extra time to formulate their answers.

2.在活動期間與學生僅以英語溝通並在需要時由協同老師進行翻譯 (請勿逐句翻譯)

The FET should speak only in English to the students during the lesson. Co-teachers: please refrain from translating every sentence uttered by the FET– only translate as needed by the FET.

 3. 將手機調成靜音並避免使用。

Refrain from using cellphones during class. (Make sure to put your cellphone on silent mode before the lesson.)

4.英語教學主題與內容由 FET 準備,協同教師請協助維持課堂秩序 (並隨時注意學生或FET是否需要協助,以利活動順暢進行)

The FET will prepare the lesson. Co-teachers should assist with classroom management.

5.成果繳交: 請學校於活動結束上傳活動五張照片至FET On The Go 成果照片。請學校自行新增資料夾,資料夾名稱OO學校_巡迴日期(e.g. 民生國小_20220909)

Results submission: Schools are required to upload 5 activity photos to the FET On the Go result photos folder after the lesson. Please add a new folder for your school following this formula: OO School_ Date (e.g. Minsheng Elementary School_20220909)

6.協同教師在課程結束後,須完成以下線上意見回饋: FET on the go 學校回饋。

Both Co-teachers and FETs are required to complete a short online feedback form after each lesson.

7. 協同教師為學校本國籍教師,須具備英語溝通能力,於課堂進行中協助學生秩序管理,鼓勵學生參與活動。

The Co-teacher must be able to speak and understand English in order to help the FET with managing the classroom and encouraging students to participate in activities.