
I've told you this multiple times - but Citizen Science is at its best on ZOONIVERSE.ORG!   It is AWESOME!  Track animals across the world, record climate data, star and galaxy counting, historical artifact compilation...  so cool.  Great way to interact with real scientists!

Weblinks for science activities:

Our science classes in Monte Rio are a blend of lecture with Note taking, textbook interactive, lab activities in class, and  inquiry research.  

PARENTS: Please send in your current family email and phone number so that you can receive google classroom notices and Jupiter Grade assignments and messages. We strongly recommend that you check in weekly so that your student stays on track at home. We use project based learning blended with traditional learning, so you will see self selected work, that your student is responsible for researching, creating, and presenting on a monthly basis. 



Assignments include (But are not limited to) : Reading/ Videos/ Notes/ Pearson Elevate Science Textbook (given)  with online student access/ Labs (Virtual and class-based)/ Personal research and presentation.  Assignments are on  your student Google Classroom! 

TEXTBOOKS: We are currently on California Next Generation Science Standards, (NGSS) and the science inquiry is based on online research and reading directed by the teacher.  At this time I utilize Kesler Science Labs, and SAVVAS Science.