Ms. B's Class

Welcome to Ms. B's website!  Here you will find links to your resources, articles to use for your project ideas, and project forms and homework sheets if you need to print them at home.

School starts on Thursday, August 15th at 8:25AM.  Do NOT start the year late!  Practice your cell phone alarm, or wake up routine. We will hit the ground running, as there is a lot to do this year!

FUNDRAISING:  We need it!  We did a fair amount last year with grants, but we still need more.  Please pay attention to the calendar and invite your neighbors and friends to the fundraising dinners or fun nights.  If you know a group that also has scholarships (Such as Rotary, Soroptimists, etc.) please have your parents talk to Mr. Navarro!  OUr Middle School overnight this year is going to Sacramento to see history, civics, and  our state capital.

Lastly - School Supplies.  Please get some, especially mechanical pencils and earbuds.  but don't pack everything.  Keep all extras at home for replacements.  You do not need to carry 15 highlighters, you only need one.  We also HIGHLY recommend the zipped binder.  Everything stays in one place, and it is easy to carry.

See you soon!

SUPPLY LIST ITEMS for Classes every student should have daily:

DONATION ITEMS that we would appreciate for the class:

All about Me - MsB

Calendar Items:

Keep up to date, and don't be late!  Each of my deadlines are FIRM, with no makeups available if you miss deadline.  All assignments are on Google Classroom.

Log on to  weekly  so you track your progress on items due.