
Application Requirements:

  • Must be at least 16 years of age
  • Must have completed ten High School credits to be a candidate for the ADP
  • At least 4 of those previously completed High School credits must be elective credits.

Registration Process:

1. Fill out enrollment form. Enrollment forms can be brought to Monadnock Regional High School Guidance Office or emailed to

2. Proof of residency and official transcripts must also be provided with enrollment form to begin registration process. Please note that a valid driver’s license is not proof of residency. Proof of residency is determined by a current lease or bill in the name of the applicant to the address listed on the application.

3. Set up a meeting with one of the ADP coordinators. In this meeting, we will sit down and complete a credit check. This credit check will determine what classes and how many more credits are needed for graduation. Together, we will create a plan to earn the remaining credits needed to graduate.

4. Before starting classes, the student must read, sign and return, agreeing to the following Monadnock ADP Policies: