Dual Enrollment
Step by Step -
First Time Enrollment
Apply to Moorpark College
Create VCCCD Portal
Turn in MHS DE/CE Enrollment Agreement to Counseling Office
Complete VCCCD MOU (Electronic Form)
MOU Routing: Student --> MHS Counselor --> Parent -->VCCCD College
Receive clearance from VCCCD to your VCCCD email address
Log into VCCCD portal and follow steps to officially register for course
Show your MHS counselor proof of enrollment
Dual Enrollment
Step by Step -
Returning Enrollment
Use the VCCCD Class Schedule OR Specific MHS DE CRN Code to select your course(s)
Turn MHS DE/CE Enrollment Agreement into Counseling Office
Complete VCCCD MOU (Electronic Form)
MOU Routing: Student --> MHS Counselor --> VCCCD College
Receive clearance email from VCCCD to your VCCCD email address
Log into VCCCD portal and follow steps to officially register for course
Show your MHS counselor proof of enrollment