What is Dual Enrollment?
Moorpark College Courses
Taught at Moorpark High School
MHS offers two Moorpark College classes that are taught on our campus (information below).
Students who successfully complete these classes will earn both Moorpark College AND Moorpark High School credit.
Moorpark College tuition is waived for high school students but other fee's will still need to be paid (approximately $30 per class).
Moorpark College Courses
Not for High School Credit
Students interested in enrolling in a Moorpark College class must speak to their MHS Counselor first.
Students typically earn Moorpark College credit, NOT high school credit for these classes.
Moorpark College tuition is waived for high school students but other fee's will still need to be paid (approximately $30 per class).
Only courses pre-approved by a student's MHS Counselor as being necessary to meet MHS graduation requirements will be accepted for MHS credit. These are the only courses that will be posted to a student's transcript.
Courses not needed for MHS graduation may be posted in the "Notes" section on the transcript only.
Steps for Dual Enrollment:
Go to Moorpark College Website: ssb.vcccd.edu/prod/pw_pub_sched.P_Simple_SEARCH
Decide which class you'd like to take while considering:
Start & end date of course
Days of week & time course meets
Prerequisites Required (courses you need to have taken in order to enroll in the course)
Once you have decided on the college course you'd like to take, follow the steps below: