MRGS School Account

Username and password

Your school account is what you use to sign in to KAMAR, Google Classroom, to log on to any school computers, to use the printers and for all other school IT systems.

For KAMAR, school computers, and printing, log in with:

For online services such as Google, Microsoft, Adobe log in with:

New students

If you are not sure what your password is, ask your teacher! They can give you the password to your account from KAMAR.

We really recommend you change this password to one that is easy to type and remember by going through steps below!

Change your password

You can set your own password by logging in on the KAMAR Portal.

Either go to or find the link at the top right of the school website.

Screenshot of MRGS website showing KAMAR Portal link in top navigation menu.

Enter your student ID and the password you have been given, then click Sign On.

KAMAR Portal username and password field to sign on

Select Change Password in the top menu, next to Home.

Menu across top of KAMAR portal after signing in. The second item in the menu after 'Home' is highlighted: 'Change Password'

Now you can type in your current password and new password.

Take note of the password requirements displayed. The items in the list of requirements will change colour as you type your new password - when the requirements are green or grey and there are no lines in red - your password is good to go!

If you are having trouble coming up with a good password, you can get suggestions from a password generator such as:

Finally click Update Password.

Your new password has now been set! 

It may take a couple of minutes before you can sign in everywhere.

Current Password (field), New password (field), Confirm password (field). Update Password (Button).
Your password cannot contain:  Personal details, such as your first and last names. Common sequences, such as abc123, qwerty, password, student, etc. Your Password must be at least 8 characters long, with 3 out of these 4 things: Your Password must include at least one number! Your Password must include at least one lowercase letter! Your Password must include at least one capital letter! Your Password must include at least one symbol! Both passwords must match.

NB: Make sure to remember your password or keep it somewhere safe! 

Once you have changed your password, no one can see it any more - not your teachers, not your parents or caregivers, not IT staff! 

If you lose your password, see the next section:

Reset your password

If you have forgotten your password, ask your teacher to generate a new one on KAMAR.