IT Frequently Asked Questions

Why does it say I need permission?

If you get a notification like the one on the right when accessing any Google document or other content, such as the Daily Attendance Check form, it means you are currently signed in with a different Google account than your school account.

To change account, you can go to, click on the round profile icon in the top right corner - either select the school account if it has already been added, or select "Add another account".

If you still cannot access the material from your school account, ask your teacher to confirm they have set up the correct permissions.

Why does my Chromebook say it is locked?

Your Chromebook may say it is locked and prevent you from signing in if it has not been connected to the internet for some time.

If you are at home, connect the Chromebook to Wi-Fi and wait a short while for it to update.

If you are at school, connect the Chromebook to the StudentBYOD network and sign in to the firewall with your student ID and password. If you do not see the pop-up to sign in to the firewall, you may need to forget the StudentBYOD network and connect to it again. Once you are connected, wait a short while for the Chromebook to connect to Google and update.

If the Chromebook is still locked, it may have been locked by either the system or the school administration. Ask your teacher to refer you to the IT helpdesk.

How do I set up the KAMAR app on my phone?

The KAMAR mobile application is available for iOS and Android. You can get it from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

You need to set up your connection to the school the first time you launch it. Tap Settings in the top left corner of the screen, then tap the big plus (+) sign on the top right. Now fill in the details following the screenshot below on the right; the school's name, the kamar portal address (there will be a green tick if the address is correct), your username (student ID) and KAMAR password.