
This page has detailed instructions for students on how to access and record in the FlipGrid topic for your category. 

We recommend viewing these instructions, setting up an account, and then recording in a sample FlipGrid topic BEFORE the contest links become live on Sunday, April 7th. If you are unfamiliar with FlipGrid, you may choose to watch this introductory tutorial video.

Recording Instructions

Once students are registered, they will receive an email inviting them to join a private FlipGrid topic for their grade level/poem. Only participants, judges, teachers and contest organizers can view the FlipGrid recordings. (The event will not go live until April 7th, so there is no point in logging on early.)

Read the directions in the topic carefully and watch the introductory video. When you are ready, you will hit the record button (video camera in a red circle).  State your first name and the title and author of the poem (or say "traditional poem" if there is no author). Then present your poem! 

Do not forget to register by filling out the REGISTRATION FORM by April 5th !

Tips for Reciting

We recommend that teachers and students review the RUBRIC used by the judges as they prepare to record in FlipGrid.

Poetry Outloud has also compiled this list of tips for their English-language contest, which may be interesting to explore as well.