CORE: Social Studies

Ancient Civilizations

Heroes, Gods & Democracy

Middle Ages


Team Dynamix 802 CORE is based on an integrated, multiage approach that encourages student questioning, inquiry, investigation, historical perspective, historical understanding, and application of those skills to real world events. Underlying our studies is a foundation of literacy. This includes reading informational and literary text, writing through a wide variety of formats, listening, participating in oral discussion, and analyzing a wide range of art and media.

Because students are members of Team Dynamix 802 for two years, each curriculum year has a different focus and course of study. In Year 1, students study North American geography, history, and the events leading to the foundation of the United States of America. In Year 2, students examine ancient civilization, culture, the Golden Age of Greece and Rome, the Middle Ages, and finish with a course in Renaissance art history.

The foundations for the skills, knowledge, and curriculum can be found in the 2004 Vermont Grade Expectations, and the C3 Framework of Standards. Instructor flexibility allows for variation in the course of study to include current events and related historical periods. Additionally, because Team Dynamix features an integrated curriculum, it is essential that students utilize their literacy skills throughout our CORE curriculum. For example, students will be expected to utilize their knowledge of reading comprehension and initial understanding of informational text to understand historical documents.

Aside from the objectives, goals, and skills of the social studies curriculum, our main purpose is to foster creative, curious, and interested students who understand the responsibility and challenges of being a citizen in the 21st century. We look to create an educational community that spurs interest in the community and world around us and provides students with the foundations for success.

social studies . January 2020


2019 Introduction to Geography
2019 Intro to Geography: Maps
2017 Art, Culture, and Civilization