Planning for AT HOME Learning

Supporting our families through learning at home is our priority.

We will strive to deliver the best possible education to your child.

Here are some practical ways you can support your child at home.

Michelle Fonseca, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning

Structure to Each Day


Setting up a work space for each child in your home.

Posting a schedule that includes academic time, break time, lunch time and exercise time.

Minimizing distraction- limit TV time, phone time, gaming and social media

Getting into a daily routine is really important no matter what stage of school your child is at.

Here are some tips and suggestions for students for the next few weeks that I urge all families to review together:

  • Get back to following a consistent daily schedule; including an early bedtime and rising at your typical school day time, this is important. Set a daily alarm if that is what you are used to.

  • Get dressed each day as if you were going to school. It will be tempting to hang out in pajamas all day. This will not set the tone for a productive day.

  • Try to find a personal, quiet space to do your at home learning.

  • Ensure you have access to the typical school supplies you use on a regular basis and may need. Let your teachers or principal know if you need help getting these items.

  • This is not an extended vacation. Distance Learning days are school days and both students and teachers will be expected to be engaged with instruction.

  • The purpose of school closures is so we all practice social distancing to help stop the spread of the virus. This is not a time to be having playdates, sleepovers, or other social gatherings. Be smart with the decisions you make.

  • Regular sleep, exercise, and eating healthy are important for all of us during these next few weeks!