Session Three

SESSION 3 -- 12:45 P.M. TO 1:45 P.M.

Colleen Terrill

Station Rotation

Stations provide personalized learning to meet students at their level. During this presentation you will learn some of my favorite tools to make learning fun and interactive. Participants will learn each tool and how to incorporate them into their classroom stations for more individualized and engaging stations.


All Levels, Session 3, Room 347

Suzy Brooks

Cooperative Publishing with Google Slides

What can Google Slides do for you (and your students!)?? Come see how Slides can be used to create collaborative books, websites, presentations and auto-run slideshows. Slides is a great entry-level tool for students to become acquainted with and eventually grow in expertise as their skills develop. Bring your creative ideas and see where they take you with Google Slides!

Resources: Cooperative Publishing Presentation

Beginner/Intermediate, Session 3, Room 348

Julie Spang

Exploring the world through Virtual Reality Google style

Learn how to use smartphones, tablets and Google Cardboard to bring your students on virtual field trips to more than 400 engaging locations from the Polar ice caps to art museums through Google Expeditions. See how easy it is to immerse students in entirely new experiences. Participants are encouraged to download the Google Expeditions app on their smartphone prior to this session if it is possible.

Resources: Virtual Reality in the Classroom

All levels, Session 3, Room 349

Julia Colby

Google Sheets 101 and “Playing” with your Data in Forms

Never attempted to use sheets? Think it is just for numbers? In this session we will learn about the spreadsheet “vocabulary” and why it is one of my favorite apps. We will format cells, use formulas, sort columns, and learn about some cool add-ons to sheets. We will also explore how Google Forms can populate to Google Sheets and give you flexibility with the results. Participants are encouraged to have their own device with access to Google Sheets.

Resources: Sheets HyperDoc

Beginner/Intermediate, Session 3, Room 344A

Audra Kaplan

Shoot for the Moon!

Look out George Lucas, here comes GooglePalooza! In this hands on workshop participants will roll up their sleeves and dive into movie making using a variety of simple iPad tools and equipment. Learn how turn inanimate objects into characters, use still photos to create meaningful video stories, use the green screen to fly over the Great Wall of China and more. You are the driver and the sky's the limit.

In this hands on session, participants harness the power of movie making in the palm of their hand. See how much fun it is to make a video production using simple tools. We will tap into the power of an iPhone or iPad as we explore ChatterPix, Do Ink, and iMovie. Whether students are creating a video production to demonstrate their understanding, teachers are building a documentary to get kids excited about a field trip, or you just want to have fun, this is the place to be. A limited number of iPads will be available but participants are encouraged to bring their own device for maximum participation.


All Levels, Session 3, Room 352

GooglePalooza Session Info for Website