Social Studies

Name - _____________________________________

Step 1: Choose one of the following architectural remnants of ancient Egypt’s civilization:

  • The Step Pyramid at Saqqara ⬜
  • The Great Pyramid of Giza ⬜
  • The Sphinx ⬜
  • Hatshepsut’s temple in the Valley of the Kings ⬜
  • Amon-Re temple at Karnak ⬜
  • Ramses II temple at Abu Simbel ⬜

Step 2: Using Google Slides create a slideshow that includes the following information.

  • Images of your structure ⬜
  • Historical information (When was it built? Why was it built? How was it built?) ⬜
  • Location of the ancient structure ⬜
  • Any other interesting facts you discovered about your structure ⬜

Remember that you CANNOT copy and paste information. It needs to be in your own words.

Step 3: Create a replica of your structure. You can do this by drawing it or creating it using other materials.

Due Date - Wednesday, February 5th