2nd Grade

match the sounds! 

Can you listen to the pitches or sounds and match the ones that are same! Start by practicing and the 3x3. Then, continue until you can do the largest one!

Classics for kids

This website allows children to explore music in a unique way! Students can discover composers, rhythms, note names, instruments and so much more!  

Please explore the tabs and learn something new!

Below you will find my recommendations: 

Note Names: Test your skills by creating words with the note names!

Compose Your Own Music: You are now the composer! Create wonderful music just like chrome music lab!

Match the Rhythm: You are my echo everyday in class...can you match the drum's rhythm with your space bar? 

learning treble clef

Knowing your notes!

Practice your note names with this quizlet! Can you learn them all?


Can you follow along to this song with your awesome body percussion? Follow the video and let's find out!