Achievement & PRIDE Time

Millard Grading

"1" [93-100%] "2" [85-92%] "3" [77-84%] "4" [70-76%] "5" [0-69%]

Academic progress should be checked weekly via logging into the Parent or Student Portal via Infinite Campus. These can be accessed via the NMS website or the MPS app which is available for free download!

[CLICK HERE for Parent/Student Portal]

[CLICK HERE for NMS website]

In MOST cases, students receiving scores LOWER than 77% on FORMATIVE assignments/assessments/etc will receive reteaching and then will be given an opportunity to study and retake or rework the given formative assessment/assignment as a means to reassess their knowledge and understanding. The student’s grade will reflect the retake score as this is the most up-to-date measure of the student’s knowledge/skill. The reasoning behind these retakes is that students are still "forming" their understanding of key concepts and skills in preparation for their end of unit summative assessment.

Retakes will not usually be given on SUMMATIVE assessments/projects, as students at this point will have had multiple formative opportunities to demonstrate their understanding.

Notes: Student’s grades will reflect their knowledge and skill towards curriculum via of their summative assessments. These may replace any earlier formative assessments that covered the same material earlier on in the unit. Students will be expected to retain information over the course of the unit as it is necessary for later understandings.

Extra Credit (for the purpose of raising one’s grade) will NOT be available. Students will NOT receive “do-overs” for their lack of attention to given due dates or requirements on projects and/or summative assessments.

International Baccalaureate Achievement Levels

"7 or 8" [Above & Beyond] "5 or 6" [Great Work]

"3 or 4" [Basic]

"1 or 2" [Needs Work] "0" [Unsuccessful]

Student's progress towards International Baccalaureate-Middle Years Program Achievement Levels will also be reported this year. These will also be recorded in Infinite Campus and will correspond with specific summative or formative assessments/assignments. Students should strive for a "4" or better.

Notes: REMEMBER, an IB-MYP Achievment level of 4/8 means "Basic" and would likely receive a Millard grade of around 85-88%. It does NOT mean 4/8=50%. For more information on the International Baccalaureate Program(s) please visit the following:


An opportunity to make-up forgotten work and demonstrate your knowledge and understanding toward coursework

  • Most commonly served after school (30 minutes) on day the assignment is due/late
    • Parents are contacted for permission
    • Students bring work to last class period of the day, and then are escorted to a grade-level teacher's room
    • Teachers are available to help
    • Finished work is collected from students and turned into appropriate courses/teachers
    • Unfinished work is sent home with the students with the expectation to finish and turn in the following day

Note: PRIDE Time is NOT a punishment, but a means for helping students to regularly stay caught up with school work. Staying caught up, helps teachers better understand the daily needs of your child.

Absent Work

Students who are regularly on time and in school, will receive a comprehensive education and middle school experience! However, if your child is ill and possibly contagious, please keep them at home to rest and recover.

  • Before returning to school, please have your child check online resources (Google Classroom pages, email, etc.) to see what they have missed.
  • If they feel up to it, and have needed materials they can even try and get a start on it!
  • Once they return, they will have one day per day missed to make up missed work.
    • This might be a challenge with additional lessons also being covered, consider emailing the team teachers about setting up time before/after school to have the student come in for help and get caught up.
  • If you know of a pre-planned upcoming absence, please let the office and teachers know. There may be things that we can send with the student ahead of time.