e-Learning Schedule

Please click the links to access a copy of our weekly Remote Learning Work Plans.

Weekly Remote Learning Plan for the week of March 24 to March 27

Weekly Remote Learning Plan for the week of March 30 to April 3.

Weekly Remote Learning Plan for the week of April 6 to April 10.

Weekly Remote Learning Plan for the week of April 13 to April 17.

Weekly Remote Learning Plan for the week of April 20 to April 24.

Weekly Remote Learning Plan for the week of April 27 to May 1.

Weekly Remote Learning Plan for the week of May 4 to May 8.

Weekly Remote Learning Plan for the week of May 11 to May 14

The weekly work plan is updated each week to include learning opportunities and options for your student as we partner to continue to their education over the next few week.

If you have questions or need help with Remote Learning, please send me an email at jmottemann@mpsomaha.org.

5th Grade Math Remote Learning

Daily Lesson Videos will be posted in Google Classroom. You should view the video which models how solve the problems prior to completing the practice problems.

Each day you will be asked to complete 10-15 practice problems in Google Classroom. The practice problems align to the video lesson. Once you submit your work, I will be able to provide feedback to you via email.

While the first two activities are required, optionally, you can complete two to three lessons in Dreambox. I selected a lesson set for you based on extension activities that I was working on with you in small groups and based on MAP data. These lessons have been individualized for you and your learning needs!!!

5th Grade Science Remote Learning

Each week, I will post one to two science lessons aligned to reading and reflection questions from the Millard Public Schools science curriculum.

I have provided guidance on how you will be expected to answer the Science Reflection Questions in Google Classroom.

Reading and answering Science Reflection Questions each week is required. I have will also post optional extension activities that may require materials that can not be readily provided to you in a Remote Learning environment. If you have access to the materials or would like to watch the videos or participate in the virtual field trips, please feel free. These learning opportunities will enrich your knowledge of the concepts we are covering. Stay curious!!!

5th Grade Writing Remote Learning

Each week, I will be posting grammar and writing activities through Wonders in McGraw-Hill. These activities are similar to activities that we worked on in our classroom.

We will also be working on completing rough drafts of our persuasive writing pieces. This may require you to get your writing organizer from the materials we packed up for you. Stay tuned for additional details!!!