Mrs Springer's

MNMS Physical Education

Get to know me

Hi, I'm Nicole Springer. This year, I teach 8th grade PE during 1st - 3rd periods, 6th grade reading 5th and 7th period and back to 7th grade PE 8th period. This year will be my 18th year in the district. I taught math my first 3 years at Millard North High School, and have been here at North Middle School for the past 15 years and I was the IB-MYP coordinator the past 2 years.

I'm originally from Central City, Nebraska where I grew up my whole life until I went to college. Both my parents were middle school teachers for 35 years with my mom a PE teacher and my dad a math teacher. I grew up enjoying sports competing in softball up until I was in high school, volleyball, basketball, and track through high school. I also was involved with choir, swing choir, musicals, band, jazz band, and acting.

I went to college at the University of Nebraska at Kearney where I competed in one year of volleyball, 4 years of track and then coached track there at the college as a student assistant my 5th year. While there I majored in K-12th grade Physical Education and secondary mathematics. I graduated with my masters in PE-pedagogy from University of Nebraska at Omaha in 2006.

I just got married two summers ago, so some of the kids and past kids would know me as Miss Nielsen instead of Mrs. Springer. I now have a step-son who is 16 and a junior at Bellevue East. My husband and I love to still play coed volleyball together and we love to golf.

Contact information and Office Hours:

Call and leave a message at the office phone number: 402-715-1280
