about Disney Core Knowledge

The Millard Core Knowledge program provides cultural literacy through a sequential and challenging curriculum rooted in the E.D. Hirsch Core Knowledge Sequence and philosophy. The Core Knowledge Sequence consists of a body of widely used knowledge placed into the curriculum in a coherent and sequential design. The program develops rich reading and writing skills through the use of the phonics, Spalding Method, and Shurley English. This spiral also includes history and geography, science and health, music, visual arts, and language arts (poetry, idioms, reading, writing, and grammar).  The teacher-directed environment establishes high expectations through whole-group learning, and fosters analytical thinking. Students are challenged through an in-depth and swiftly-paced curriculum which develops higher-level thinking skills and establishes a solid foundation to build upon. 

Millard offers the Core Knowledge program at two locations, Cather Elementary and Disney Elementary Schools. Core Knowledge began as a kindergarten through second grade program in 1995. It transitioned to Cather in 1996, Disney in 2016 and has grown into a kindergarten through fifth grade program. In 2015, the Core Knowledge Academy at Cather was recognized as a Core Knowledge Program School of Distinction. As a result of increased demand and the district's commitment to offer programs of choice, Core Knowledge expanded to Walt Disney Elementary in 2016, with one section of Core added each subsequent year. 

The Millard Core Knowledge program at Disney is an option-enrollment programs offered by the Millard Public Schools. For more information on how to apply to Core Knowledge please go to our Student Service web page. 

The Millard Core Knowledge program is not related to Common Core.  The Core Knowledge program is a curricular program developed by E.D. Hirsch of the University of Virginia in 1986. Common Core is a political movement to create common standards for public schools which we are not currently a part of. For more information on the differences 


The key to the Core Knowledge Approach is in its sequence, instruction, and content.  By relating knowledge unit by unit, year by year we reduce repetition in learning.  Ideas are not taught in isolation.  Subjects blend (reading with science, visual arts, music, and history), creating a strong base for understanding.  This authentic learning approach immerses students in rich content background and vocabulary.     


The intent of the Core Sequence is to spell out a shared knowledge literate students have, and provide equitable access to common knowledge for all students. (Core Knowledge Foundation)

At Disney, E.D. Hirsch's Core Knowledge Sequence is the base for student learning.  The sequence combined with high expectations and the Millard Program.  The three together make the Disney Core Knowledge program.  The curriculum taught in the program meets Core Knowledge, Nebraska State, and Millard Public School standards and expectations.

 "Reading proficiency isn't in and of itself the magic key to competence.  It's what reading enables us to learn and do that is critical.  In the information age, the key to economic and political achievement is the ability to gain new knowledge rapidly through reading and listening."          --E.D. Hirsch Jr.

To learn more about the Core Knowledge Foundation visit their web site.