

1. Be Safe

- Hands, feet, and belongings to self. Ask and receive permission to leave the room. Use supplies correctly.

2. Act Responsibly

- Students should be prepared for classroom activities by being in their seat on time and prepared to work with

their agenda, folder, and a pen/pencil. If a student is late for class multiple times it will be treated as a

behavior problem. You will not be able to go to your locker during class time. Stay on task to complete and

hand in all assignments and projects. Take ownership of your actions. Use equipment, supplies, and

technology appropriately.

3. Respect Self and Others

- Accept adult re-direction. Be an active listener and learner. Use polite behavior and respect toward your

teacher and peers. Listen without talking during instruction so others have an opportunity to learn. Treat

classroom equipment, models, and resources with respect. Appreciate the thoughts, opinions, and

boundaries of others.

4. Kindness in All We Do

- Understand the differences in others. Always be fair and polite