5th to 6th Grade Transition 2025-2026
Welcome, Future Bulldogs!
This site contains transition information for future Beadle Bulldogs. There are many events planned to help successfully transition students to Beadle Middle School. Please feel free to look through all pages of the website. Much of this information will be or has been sent home and/or communicated by MPS elementary schools. If you have any questions, please email Beadle Assistant Principal Kristen Abueg - ksabueg@mpsomaha.org or call our BMS office at (402) 715-6100.
New Student Laptop Pickup and Orientation - More Information to come!
Due to the construction, most orientation tasks will be completed online during Online Student Registration.
Our 6th graders and new students will need to get their devices before the first day of school. For this purpose, we will be hosting a 6th grade and new student-only orientation. Date and time are to be determined.
Sixth graders and new to MPS/BMS students will be able to pick up their devices, get a paper copy of their schedule, walk the hallways, and set up their lockers.
Math Placement for New-to-Millard Students
Monday, August 4, 2025 @ 9 AM
Millard offers different math placement levels in middle school. If your child is new to Millard, he/she will take a math placement test to determine the correct placement. Please email Kristen Abueg at ksabueg@mpsomaha.org or call 402-715-6100 to RSVP.
That morning, please bring your child to Beadle and check in at the main office. You don't need to bring anything with you. The testing typically takes 30-40 minutes once we have begun. Parents are welcome to wait or return when your child is finished.
First Day of School
Tuesday, August 12, 2025
6th Grade ONLY
7:55 AM to 3:00 PM
Parent Pay Bus Service
Student Transportation of America will provide Millard Public Schools Students who do not qualify for District provided transportation with a parent pay busing program. Qualifying households will receive information directly from Student Transportation of America.
Please call Student Transportation of America at 402-884-4222 with any questions or see the District Transportation website.