Home Access
For students needing to access My Portal at home, it can be accessed on the Rohwer website student page.
This video gives directions for logging on to My Portal and IXL.
***Schedule Notes***
Lunch: 12:15
P.E. and Music Schedule
Mrs. Amend's 1st Block: P.E. Mon/Thurs, Music Tues/Fri
Ms. Sobota's 1st Block: P.E. Tues/Fri, Music Mon/Thurs
Mrs. Vandenberg's 1st Block: P.E. Tues/Fri, Music Mon/Thurs
Library Days
Amend: Mondays
Vandenberg: Thursdays
Sobota: Fridays
Important Upcoming Dates
No school for students February 14th and 17th
Week of 3/3
Spelling week of 3/10
No spelling test
Strategy: Sequence
Skills: Point of View
Genre: Fairy Tale
Vocabulary: homographs
IXL codes: H6P, VEL, 76M, U83
Realistic Fiction Story
Edit Draft
Final Copy
Letter writing
Figurative language
-Use expanded form to add
-Use place value to add
-Combine place values to subtract
-Model and solve two step story problems
IXL codes to work on at home:
RPC, PT9, 9NH, QU2, U8E, UPT, 93U, QLL and CBA
Math Tools:
Social Studies
Unit 3 - Economics
Why do we save money?
Describe why and how people save money.
Analyze various financial situations and debate the best course of action to take.
Decide how to allocate money to various budget categories.