Home Access 

For students needing to access My Portal at home, it can be accessed on the Rohwer website student page.

This video gives directions for logging on to My Portal and IXL. 

***Things to Note***

P.E. and Music Schedule

Mrs. Amend's 1st Block:   P.E.  Mon/Thurs,  Music  Tues/Fri

Ms. Sobota's 1st Block:  P.E.  Tues/Fri,  Music  Mon/Thurs

Mrs. Vandenberg's 1st Block:  P.E. Tues/Fri, Music Mon/Thurs

Library Days

Amend: Mondays

Vandenberg: Thursdays

Sobota: Fridays

Important Upcoming Dates

Thanksgiving Break: November 27, 28, 29

Week of 11/18

Spelling: r-controlled vowels (ar, or, ore, our, oar)

sharp, artist, carve, sport, story, chore, sore, hoard, pour, your



Poetry Unit



-Identify and extend patterns

-Find unknown factors and numbers

-Use multiplication and division to solve problem situations

-Solve two-step problems

IXL Codes to work on at home:  D5U, 88D, X66, ZNN, 8FP and U6P 

Social Studies

Unit 2 - History