MHS Distance Learning

This site has been created as a source of reference during Montclair Public Schools Distance Learning. Please refer to this site for Distance Learning updates from Montclair High School.

MHS COVID-19 MESSAGE May 28, 2020

Montclair High School has created a process with protocols and procedures for picking up locker contents and returning books. Please read each of the documents carefully, as they outline a schedule, health and safety precautions and process.

Locker Item Return Protocols and Procedures

Book Return Protocols and Procedures

Message from the MHS Nurses

Happy spring. May in Montclair is something truly special. During this difficult time in our lives, it is important to stop and “smell the roses” and appreciate the natural beauty around us. But what if all that beauty causes misery with the effects of seasonal allergies? The spring months are always very busy ones in the nurses office as we care for students with seasonal allergies. So let’s talk seasonal allergies how to control them, how to differentiate them from other ailments (Covid-19) and when to call your doctor.

During April and May I often feel like a broken record as I review with kids the basics of controlling seasonal allergy symptoms. In a nutshell this is what we suggest:

· Take your allergy medications regularly. These medications are most effective if taken every day, even on days when you are feeling “good” – continue to take your allergy meds. You need a certain blood level to have maximum protection.

· Shower every night, especially if you have been outside. Tiny particle of allergen fall over your body and into your hair, and then you go to bed and breathe that pollen in, and you wake up miserable! Shower at night.

· Change your bed linen frequently, especially pillow cases, for same reasons as listed above.

· For eye and nose discomfort use prescribed eye drops and or nasal sprays. There are many good options that can be found over the counter. Please do not share products. A cold compress on red itchy eyes feels like heaven.

· If you wear contact lens, consider using eye glasses during the worse weeks.

· Avoid opening windows especially in bedrooms. Use air conditioning on warm days if available.

Allergies in the time of Covid-19. The management of allergy symptoms is always important but even more so during this outbreak of an airborne virus, Covid-19. One of the key take aways for all of us to avoid infection of Covid-19 is to avoid touching our face. When your eyes are runny and itchy and your nose is runny…it makes it harder to not touch your face. So allergy control becomes even more important to help decrease Covid transmission. See the attached article which provides a chart differentiating symptoms between Covid-19 and seasonal allergies:

As ALWAYS: If you have questions about any symptoms of allergies or of any other illness, please consult your physician.

Wishing you and your family good health. Your nurses are here for you, don’t hesitate to reach out:

Trish Feely, RN GI Annex nurse:

Laura Schwartz, RN, MHS Nurse:

Christina Sumas, RN, MHS Nurse:

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Mental Health and Coping During Covid-19

The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be stressful for people and communities. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children.

Please click on this link for more information