Health & P.E.

Kim Romano

# 973-538-1650 Ext. 3527

(For the fastest response, please contact me via email.)

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

Benjamin Franklin


About Me...

...Teaching career began in 1987

...Employed in Morris Plains since 1988

...Currently hold a Masters Degree

...Plus 45 additional graduate credits


My role as a teacher is to guide all students to reach their full potential. Classroom lessons by design provide constant opportunities, experiences and challenges that support students in this process.

My daily approach in the classroom is to deliver curriculum content in a meaningful way that encourages each individual student to;

-Build Confidence

-Develop Competencies

-Explore ways to problem solve

-Discover an appreciation for self and others


It's Never

Too Early or Too Late

To WORK towards being the HEALTHIEST