August 1-4, 2022

Getting Back to Teaching


Meridian Public School District

Mission: To inspire and develop excellence in everyone.

Vision: Empowering learners to become leaders.

The Wildcat Summit is bringing together Meridian Public School District Educators to share, inspire, and collaborate!

Join us for three dynamic days of innovation, inspiration, and learning. Conference sessions will highlight ways to embed your curriculum and technology into the workflow, share best practices and finish with actionable takeaways you can begin using the next day in your classroom, school, or district.

A three-day summit of talks, activities, and workshops

MPSD Goal # 1 - All schools will provide high-quality instruction that prepares all students for college and career readiness while achieving a successful or higer rating.

Day 1

The curriculum is the central guide for all educators as to what is essential for teaching and learning so that every student has access to rigorous academic experiences. Join us as we receive an overview of some of the resources we will use to make sure our students are developing excellence.

Day 2

All K - 5 educators will have the opportunity to choose sessions that will match their goals. There are lots of interesting topics so plan ahead so that you will get the tools you need.

Day 3

All 6 - 12 educators will have the opportunity to choose sessions that will match their goals. There are lots of interesting topics so plan ahead so that you will get the tools you need

The goal of this event is to bring instruction and technology together to improve knowledge and skills for the purpose of increasing student achievement.

Welcome back to school! Get to know your colleagues and school building together by completing our District Scavenger Hunt.

Food Truck Menus

Fri-Dogs Wingz and Thangz


HillBilly Dots