Mesa Academy Service Learning 

Making a meaningful impact in the community through service to others

About MAAS Service Learning

Service Learning is available to 7th and 8th grade students, starting after the last day of 6th grade.

 Students earn recognition for working 50 hours or more during the course of their 7th and 8th grade years. This recognition will come in the form of our Silver Service Certificate Award.  *Note, this isn't 50 hours each year, but 50 hours worked total over the 2-year time span.

To accrue hours, students take part in Service through Option A and Option B service activities. 

Students must take part in a Reflection piece as part of their Service. 

If working with Option A through a class or club, that should be handled by the adult in charge of the class or club at the conclusion of service. 

If a student is volunteering their time through an Option B activity, then they must complete a Reflection Project and present it to the Service Learning Coach at the end of the year. 

*Important Note: MPS Service Learning is not NJHS. 


Summer 2024 Option B Application

Fill this out prior to service


Option A

These Activities are Staff-Directed or Curriculum-Based. Some Staff-Directed Organizations like Yearbook, ABS, Newsletter, and Student Council also fall under this category. 

Option A is any activity is that is initiated by school-certified personnel to include both classroom experiences and extra-curricular  activities attached to a specified learning objective and/or standard.

Student-Initiated Activities like Volunteer Community Service.

Option B covers any activity that is initiated by the student for service on the school campus or in the community.

This Service must be

In order for these hours to receive credit, students must also complete a Reflection Project and Presentation to share at the end of the year.

Details about Volunteering at Feed My Starving Children

Starting in April, you'll make an appointment online for a Reflection Presentation. During that Presentation Appointment, be prepared to share what you have learned during your Service and turn in your completed time card(s). You will share your project with a small group.  **No Service Learning hours can be counted until a completed timecard is turned in and a Reflection Project and Presentation are completed.** 


The purpose of the reflection project is for you to summarize, analyze, and evaluate the successes and challenges of the service activities you completed during the past year.  You will present one reflection project for all the service you performed during the year.  For example, you may have been involved with several service projects, submitted two or more applications, and turned in two or more time cards.  But now, you'll complete only one project that covers all your service activities. There will be more information about our Reflection Project and Presentation available later in the year.

Click HERE For more information about this year's Reflection Process.

Time Card Application for Summer 2024

Please email Mrs. Chiren at with any questions or concerns. 

Option B Service Ideas

Try checking out these links if you're lost on what you can do for Option B service: