Facilities & Operations

Part 2 Video - Facilities - Transportation - Food Services

July 29, 2020

Mr. Trongone Part 2 Information video - During this video Mr. Trongone answered several questions from Facebook posts (Millville Restart Committee, Choices,Hybrid Schedule, 1-1 devices and CFC ) before Richard Davidson provided information on Facilities, Transportation and Food Services

Health Screening Areas

Visual health screening of staff and students will occur at designated locations identified by each School’s Pandemic Response Teams. In addition, staff and student’s parent/guardian must complete a daily screening which includes a daily screening survey with temperature check.

Designated Building Entrances

Designated entrances will be used to admit students:

    • Designated entrances and/or designated entrance times for students will be established based on mode of transportation, grade, classroom location, etc. that works best for the specific layout of the building and grounds.

    • In facilities with second floors, staircases will be designated as either ascend or descend, where possible.

Face coverings must be properly worn by students entering and exiting the building unless doing so would inhibit the individual’s health or the individual is under two years of age.

Student Entry & Exit of School Buildings

Designated entry/exit doors for specific or identified student groups to enter and exit the building. Students need to be assigned specific doors to enter/exit to minimize potential congregation of students and maximize social distancing.

  • At each designated and assigned entry/exit door, schools will ensure that school personnel are stationed at appropriate locations to monitor student entry and exit.

  • Staggered release times will be established, if possible, to go to the buses, to be picked up, or to walk home.

  • A parent procedure and expectation will be established at each elementary school for parents waiting to pick-up/walk home with their child. (i.e. wearing masks, social distancing, specific waiting/standing locations.)

There will be no “holding areas” (i.e. APR’s, cafeterias, gymnasiums) in the morning for students who arrive early.

    • Students will be expected to enter the building and report directly to their classroom, homeroom, or 1st block classroom.

    • Arrival time of students and teacher contractual day will be coordinated so that teachers are ready and prepared to receive students.

    • Bus drivers may be asked to keep students on the bus if they arrive earlier than expected and be given designated times for them to release them to the building.

    • Parents that drive their children to school will be asked to keep their children in the car until the expected/designated time for them to enter the school.

    • Before/After Care programs’ arrival and departure procedures will be established by each school’s Pandemic Response Team.

Student Lockers & Locker Rooms

Each of the high schools and middle school in the MPS district will restrict the use of locker rooms for students.

Each of the high schools and middle school in the MPS district will restrict the use of student lockers (in hallways) for students.

  • With the restriction of students using student lockers for their general belongings (i.e. books, Chromebook, coats, notebooks, etc.) the curriculum department and teachers will minimize what learning items will be required to bring to class.

  • MPS middle school and high school students will be allowed to wear and carry backpacks throughout the school day in order to assist in managing their school materials and personal belongings without the use of student lockers.

Hallway & Passing Time

Hallway Signage

  • Each building will provide multiple and sufficient signs for how students should move throughout the building during designated passing times.

  • One directional hallways will be implemented where possible, but it is understood that buildings may not be able to accommodate this guideline.

  • If one directional hallways are not possible, guidelines will be in place that encourage staff and students to “stay to the right” as far and as much as possible.

  • Stairwells, where possible, will be one directional (up or down). During any emergencies/evacuations, all stairwells will be one directional down.

  • As per the NJ State guidelines, masks will be MANDATORY during passing times because 6 ft. social distancing will not be maintained at all times.

  • “All-Call” reminders on each school’s broadcasting system and staff stationed in the hallways will occur to assist in reminders and management of students during passing time.

  • Staff will be scheduled to provide assistance in following passing time procedures for special needs students.

  • It is also recommended that each building plans for and allows time for staff to practice, demonstrate, and review new routes and procedures with their students as needed.

  • Each building will keep hallways and passing time to an absolute minimum

Staff & Student Bathrooms

  • Student bathroom doors will be kept open where possible for increased air circulation and ventilation.

  • Barriers will be erected/added where possible if students can be seen from hallways when doors propped open.

  • Continuous cleaning, disinfecting, sanitizing, and refilling of paper products throughout the school day by AM and PM custodial staff will take place. The Facilities Department will have a schedule for school custodians to follow.

  • Multiple signs for students and staff to wash hands, keep social distancing, and keep masks on in all bathrooms.

  • School Pandemic Response Teams will determine the maximum number of students permitted per bathroom, at a time, dependent on bathroom size and social distancing requirements.

  • Monitors/Hall Duty teachers/staff will be stationed outside bathrooms, when possible.

  • Schools will communicate with students and parents the expectations of bathroom behavior and procedures.

  • Secondary school students will be expected to self monitor their own behavior when staff monitoring bathrooms are not feasible or possible. Each school’s Pandemic Response Team will develop their own procedure for bathroom use.

Visitor/Guest Procedures & Guidelines

Virtual Meetings

Each school will maximize the number of virtual meetings via Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, etc. in order to minimize parent, visitor, guest presence in the schools. This pertains to IEP, 504, I&RS, etc. meetings along with parent/teacher conferences, meetings with administration, etc.

  • Parent drop-off of student items will be limited to socially distanced areas of the campus and be eliminated at the entrances to schools.

  • In-school assemblies, celebrations, recognitions, or ceremonies, at any level, will be suspended or conducted virtually.

Guests Entering the Building

If it becomes necessary for a parent, visitor, or guest to enter the building, the following guidelines will be followed:

    • All visitors will be required to make an appointment with the appropriate personnel with the approval of the building principal.

    • A health screening of each visitor will be conducted.

    • Hand sanitizer will be made available for visitors to use.

    • Masks must be worn at all times by parents, visitors, and guests.

    • Visitor Keys/License will be collected by school security personnel in a safe manner.

    • Physically signing in a notebook or on a sign-in sheet where visitors would share pens and touch the same items, will be eliminated from the procedure. Raptor Visitor Management System will be used to document all visitors and contractors

"Stay In Car" Procedure

Each school’s Pandemic Response Team will determine specific and detailed procedures for visitor entry into their building.

A “Stay In Car” procedure will be established:

      • Visitors will be asked to wait in their vehicle until the time of their meeting.

      • Upon arrival at the school, visitors will be asked to call the school office.

      • The school offices will call the waiting visitor when it is time for them to enter the building.


Shipping deliveries will be received outside of the building and taken into the building by the building’s personnel.

Picking up Your Student

Parents who are picking up a child for an appointment, because they are sick, or for other necessary reasons, will be asked to follow the “Stay In Car” procedure and wait for school personnel to escort their child/children to the parent’s vehicles.

If a Visitor Shows up Unannounced

For visitors that arrive at schools unannounced, all appropriate efforts will be made to ask the visitor(s) to follow the district’s and school’s policies and procedures. Any unannounced visit will be addressed by the school and administration on a case-by-case basis.

Emergency Situations

Emergency situations may arise which will require a parent/relative to enter the building. Once entry is approved by the school nurse and/or building administrator, visitors will follow the outlined entry procedures for the building.

Stations & Times For Hand Washing

  1. Each school’s Pandemic Response Team will plan and schedule frequent and multiple opportunities for staff and student hand washing.

  2. Each school’s Pandemic Response Team will identify areas of the building that will have “stations” for hand sanitizing that are located outside of the classroom.

  3. Each school will be equipped with hand sanitizer in each of the instructional spaces/classrooms and offices.

  4. Facilities and Custodial Departments will establish a schedule and procedure in place to ensure that sanitizing stations are maintained, cleaned, and supplies are refilled.

Common Staff Areas

Copy Rooms

Teachers and Staff will be reminded to:

  • Keep social distancing (6 ft.)

  • Masks will be worn

  • Teachers/Staff will wait outside copy room when copiers are occupied with other teachers/staff

  • Schools will provide cleaning products and hand sanitizer at the copier, work area stations.

  • Teachers/Staff will self monitor themselves for the safety of themselves and others.

Faculty Rooms, School Pandemic Response Teams will consider the following:

  • Teachers may eat in their classrooms or outside of the building.

  • Use of APR and student cafeterias by staff.

  • Teacher access to refrigerators, microwaves, etc. that are in faculty rooms.

  • Designated areas/locations for breaks for staff who do not have classrooms or access to their assigned classrooms.


Main Offices and Nurse’s Offices will be equipped with clear desk shields. 6 ft. distancing in the arrangement of the office areas will be implemented where possible.

        • Procedures and plans will be created by each school’s Pandemic Response Team to limit the number of students visiting offices. Procedures will also be created for office staff to meet with students and staff at a safe, social distancing.

        • Staff meetings will be conducted virtually, when possible.

School Pandemic Response Teams

  • Each school’s Pandemic Response Team will plan to provide guidance and procedures in order to reduce the number of shared items between students and staff.

  • School Pandemic Response Teams will establish a safe and socially distanced sign in/out procedure for staff.

  • Each school’s Pandemic Response Team will evaluate, identify, and determine the necessary spaces, programs, and eating schedules and procedures for students who require sensory rooms and/or special diets.

  • Each school’s Pandemic Response Team will identify and determine areas for students to utilize for any school, grade level, program, or individual student need and/or activit