Welcome to 2HM!!

Mrs. Holmes & Ms. Materia

2nd Grade

We have an exciting year ahead of us!

Our goal is to create a positive environment for all students. We encourage our class be a community of learners who are kind to one another, work together, and support each other through both accomplishments and challenges.

Contact Information:

You can always email us at eholmes@mpsnj.org and dmateria@mpsnj.org

We will be using ClassDojo this year. We will post any announcements or reminders when necessary. We will also share photos or special events happening inour classroom. You are able to send us a message through the app. 

Here is the link to join our class - 


*If you have a dismissal change or a question that requires a quick response, please use Dojo. We will do our best to check our emails first thing in the morning and after lunch but we do not always have time to check it throughout the day. 

We also invite you to check out our Google Classroom. Here we will post login information for different online resources we use. We will also post links to Kahoots and BrainPOP Jr. videos that might be helpful to practice for Science and Social Studies tests. 

Here is the link to visit our GC - https://classroom.google.com/c/NjIzNTUzNDgyMzEx?cjc=bu6x44v