rhs Health Office
Contact information
Licensed School Nurse (LSN)
Ashley Hanson, MSN, RN, LSN
Monday - Friday 7:45 am - 3:45pm
Office Phone: 612-668-4831
Email: Ashley.Hanson@mpls.k12.mn.us
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
Laura Klein, LPN
Monday - Friday 8:15 am - 3:15pm
Office Phone: 612-668-4833
Fax: 612-668-4814
Email: laura.klein@mpls.k12.mn.us

new guidelines for respiratory virus and illness
Keep students home from school and activities until symptoms are improving
Students need to be fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of medication) before returning to school
Take precautions for 5 days after returning to school and activities: masks, distancing, testing

am i well enough to go to school?
Please follow these guidelines and keep your student home:
If they have had a fever (oral temperature of 100 degrees or higher) in the past 24 hours. Keep your student home from school until 24 hours after fever is gone (WITHOUT use of fever reducing medicine).
If they have vomited 2 or more times in the previous 24 hours.
If they have diarrhea and/or they are not feeling well and need to use the bathroom frequently.
If they have a rash of unknown cause, contact their healthcare provider before sending them to school.
If they have an illness that prevents them from participating in routine activities.
If your student comes to school with any of these symptoms, they will be sent home.
Please review the illness list and if you have questions please contact the health office.
Please contact the health office if your student tests positive for covid, influenza, strep throat or is diagnosed with any of the conditions listed.
Thank you!
taking medication at school
For the safety of students, it is recommended that medication be given at home whenever possible. For example, medication prescribed three times a day can be given before school, after school and at bedtime.
If medication must be given during school hours, we want you to be aware of the following school medication policy:
School personnel can only give medication with the written order of a health care provider that is licensed to prescribe and the written consent of a parent/guardian.
Medication must be brought to school in a container labeled by the pharmacy.
Ask the pharmacist to put the medication in two containers, one for school and one for home.
Medications should be brought to school by a parent/guardian or a responsible adult.
A new medication consent form is required:
When the dosage or time of administration is changed
At the beginning of each school year
If discontinued medication is restarted
Parent/guardian must notify the school in writing when the medication is discontinued.
Secondary students may self-administer non-prescription pain medication that does NOT contain ephedrine if the parent submits written authorization annually and the medication is brought to school in a properly labeled bottle.
Students can carry medicine with them (for example, an asthma rescue inhaler) if they have written consent from parent/guardian and health care provider, and the school nurse has met with the student and checked that they can safely and successfully carry their own medicine.
medication forms

health services
For all forms and information please visit the health services website: MPS Health Services

immunizations needed for school

Please visit the Minnesota Department of Health website for all detailed information: www.health.state.mn.us/people/immunize