Daily Schedule 

Below is the class schedule for Room 303 Students. 

We will have our centers class on a rotation- you can find the dates below! 

Daily Class Schedule 

                        **this is a general schedule as of September**

9:20 Breakfast (in cafeteria)

9:30 Morning Meeting 

10:05 Literacy/ Word Study

10:42 Centers 

11:40 Lunch 

12:05 Math- Bridges 

1:00 Recess 

1:30  Quiet  Reading Time 

1:40  Number Corner 

2:00  Literacy 

3:25 W.I.N Time 

(What I Need)

3:45 Closing Circle 

4:00 Dismissal 

Centers Rotation 

Centers Rotation 

October 16-24  Theater 

October 25-30 Physical Education

October 31- Nov. 6.  Dance 

November 7-10 Art 

November 13-16 Music 

November 17-27 Physical Education

November 28-Dec 1  Dance