Choice Boards

Black Environmental Activism

Choose one of the articles or websites to read. What does this make you think about? How can you connect to what you learned? Who would you like to learn more about?

Click on the picture to read the article about Vanessa Nakate.

Click on the picture to read about how Black scientists are sharing their stories.

Click on the picture to go to a website that shares powerful stories of Black Youth Climate Activists.

Click on the picture to go to the website to learn more about Black environmentalists

NOn-Fiction Reading Choices

Choose one of the articles below to read.

Click on the image to read an article about Snow Monkeys in Japan: "For snow monkeys in Japan, nothing reduces stress like soaking in a warm tub"

Click on the image to read an article about snowflakes: "Evidence is crystal clear: No two snowflakes are alike"

Click on the image to read an article about plastic pollution in the arctic: "Arctic snow found to contain tiny particles of plastic"

Outdoor Learning Choices

Fresh Air Classroom Choice Board

Click on the image to the left and choose an option to do some learning outdoors!