What period do you have me?


Email:  julianna.harman@mpls.k12.mn.us

My VMail/Text:  (612) 405-7550

School Office:  (612) 668-1700

School Fax:  (612) 668-1770


**Note: I’m currently on maternity leave and will return in October or November.**

I am 43 years old. I am a mother, daughter, sister, and a friend. I am from Indiana. I moved around for many years (Ireland, Virginia, Hawaii, Colorado) before settling in North Minneapolis. I enjoy spending my free time traveling and renovating my home. I know I have been successful when you have shown growth. And you will be successful when you’ve shown the mastery of the standards in your class projects and/or assessments. My goal is to make North Minneapolis a better place. 

Your limitless potential and great ideas make us all better.

 Let’s go, Polars!


Saint Mary's College University of Hawaii at Manoa

Bachelor's of Arts in Mathematics Masters in Education - Curriculum and Instruction