Escuela Bilingüe Green Central

Matthew Arnold | Principal


  • Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) Norming Structures

  • School Improvement Plan Hierarchy Graphic

School Improvement Plan and Instructional Teams Relationships

Instructional Leadership Team (ILT): Norms

Instructional Leadership Team: Member Responsibilities

As a whole

  • Purpose: lead the academic program at Green in order to enhance our students’ learning and teacher effectiveness

  • Monitor the School Improvement Plan implementation

  • Lead Cycle of Continuous Improvement by progress monitoring SIP goals

  • Approve Trending Thursday topics

  • Give input to Admin

As an individual

  • Bring input of your grade level PLC to ILT

  • Report back to your team from ILT

  • Decisions are based on:

    • Needs of the school as a whole

    • Student needs

    • Work within parameters of SIP and district structures

  • Report back to your team: focus on decisions made by the whole of ILT. Members take ownership of the group decisions. Help create a unified culture by standing behind the decisions of the group as a whole.

  • Consistent and persistent messaging about core decisions and initiatives.

  • Lead your grade level PLC and ensure they are meeting expectations